Dark Lightz is a duo consisting of Ben Mancini and Highlanderz. They started working together in 2019 and created the “House Nation” group to host events and festivals, including the Burning Moon festival, which is now in its fourth year in Quebec.

Ben Mancini started Mancini records and has been consistantly DJing and playing with international djs like DJ Gaga, Danny Tenaglia, Terry Kelly, and Todd Terry to name a few. He has also created many facebook groups to interact with people who love dancing to electronic music. Highlanderz finished Toolroom Academy and Cosmic Academy to pursue music production, mixing, and mastering. Together, they are Dark Lightz.

Dark Lightz is working on their Melodic House & Techno productions and DJ sets. They will be releasing their 1st EP, “The Light” on High Land Music and plan to release more throughout the year including “Wake Up” with vocals by Ben Mancini (many of Dark Lightz’s tracks will feature Ben Mancini’s powerful voice!). Their sound is designed tailored for after-hours clubs and festivals. It consists of thumping house and techno beats with lots of driving and melodic synths. Get ready to be moved!

Dark Lightz


Dark Lightz is a duo consisting of Ben Mancini and Highlanderz. They started working together in 2019 and created the “House Nation” group to host events and festivals, including the Burning Moon festival, which is now in its fourth year in Quebec.

Ben Mancini started Mancini records and has been consistantly DJing and playing with international djs like DJ Gaga, Danny Tenaglia, Terry Kelly, and Todd Terry to name a few. He has also created many facebook groups to interact with people who love dancing to electronic music. Highlanderz finished Toolroom Academy and Cosmic Academy to pursue music production, mixing, and mastering. Together, they are Dark Lightz.

Dark Lightz is working on their Melodic House & Techno productions and DJ sets. They will be releasing their 1st EP, “The Light” on High Land Music and plan to release more throughout the year including “Wake Up” with vocals by Ben Mancini (many of Dark Lightz’s tracks will feature Ben Mancini’s powerful voice!). Their sound is designed tailored for after-hours clubs and festivals. It consists of thumping house and techno beats with lots of driving and melodic synths. Get ready to be moved!

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